Helping Hundreds of Frustrated Men And Women Trim Their Waist, Diminish Their Cravings, and Destroy Stress & Emotional Hunger So They Finally Lose Weight ...Naturally

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Important Additional Information

Anything and everything you need to know about your symptoms is spelled out easily for you. Knowledge is power! The more you know, the quicker your recovery will be.

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Access your customized meal plan from anywhere right on your smart phone. Our meal plan is not like most boring diets that make you want to quit. You'll love the variety of delicious food. 

Diet & Supplementation Tips

Nutrition will play a critical role in the recovery process. What you put into your body is what you will get out of it. We lay it all out for you: food list, key supplements, appropriate portion sizes, and the health benefits of this nutrition plan.

​Anyone that has trouble losing weight

Anyone that has stubborn belly fat

Anyone that is looking for a program to help improve their health

Anyone that is looking for a tried and proven step by step blueprint

Anyone who is still experiencing food cravings & lacks motivation

Who Is This Program For?

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Your entire plan will be available from your phone. Our proven fat burning workouts are included with a full video exercise library. Enter your sets, reps, and weight used so we can track your progress over time.


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Click Below To Get Started Today!

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Keep Reading if You're Experiencing:

Struggling to lose Weight 

Struggling to With Food Cravings

Back Pain ​​​​​​​& Balance and Posture Concerns Childbirth (can be recent or many years ago)

Diastasis Recti (gap between your abdominals)

Bulging Tummy

Your 42-Day Program​​​​​​​

Our 66 Page Guide Provides a Detailed Outline With Everything You Need to Know

We'll map out your exact grocery list (so you know what to buy at the grocery store) and leave nothing to guesswork. . Our process will cut down on your time in the grocery store with most people getting in and out in under 15min..

Encouragement & Motivation

We understand how difficult this situation may be, but happiness starts with you! After all, you're a mother. You play an important role in your children's lives. We want you to overcome these postpartum symptoms and get back to living your life to the fullest!

Trim Your Waist, Diminish Cravings, and

Destroy Stress &Emotional Hunger in Less Than 30 Days!

Why I Had to Develop This Program

Every day, women reach out to me when I share my struggle with battling my way back to fitness while being a mom.

Funny enough, when I talk about the little things that embarrass me the most (like peeing my pants when I work out), I would get a flood of women saying "OMG, Natalie! Me too!"

The problem is we all were experiencing and sharing the same struggle but nobody was comfortable talking about it out loud.

Even worse there really wasn't a path to recovery that was easily laid out for us to follow. And this problem was affecting so many of us! It blew my mind that nobody was really stepping up to make a change!

You see, abdominal weakness, separation, and pelvic floor dysfunction is common and it is easy to overlook for new moms.

A recent study indicated that 32.6 percent of women had Diastasis Recti 12 months after delivery. 

Women often face many new things ALL AT ONCE: 

Fatigue, abdominal pain, pelvic pain/weakness, schedule concerns, changes in hormonal environment, social pressure, and ambiguous recovery recommendations. 

Because women are so resourceful, we often go online to find information and motivation that we need to recover, increase body strength, increase endurance, and manage body weight. We noticed that much of the information that is available either costs a fortune, is simply inaccurate, or provides a list of recommendations without an opportunity for exchange of knowledge, motivation, and support. 

In an effort to regain the body we had before delivery, we can get sucked into challenges like “500 Sit-Ups a Day,” “100 Squats every day for a month,” unhealthy nutrition patterns, or running challenges post-pregnancy. Depending on your level of fitness (largely strength and support), delivery timeline, and previous exercise, these types of exercises may cause more harm than good. 

Doesn’t everyone pee their pants during high-pressure activities like bouncing, jumping, and sneezing? That is a common mindset with women who have had children. Just because it is common, does not mean it is healthy, and this is something that can be treated effectively. 

One in four women have symptoms of pelvic floor disorders.

That is 25 percent of ALL women in the United States. There is a large group of women that have a shared or similar experience with abdominal and pelvic muscle weakness (especially after childbirth.) 

So, Monique and I set out on A MISSION: To help as many women as possible, that experience these issues, find a path to restoring their body function back to what it was BEFORE they had children...

And that's when this program born!

I reached out to my good friend Monique and said, "We have to do this."

Click Below To Get Started!

Check Out These Results!

Our 30-Day Money Back Guarantee!

If for any reason you are not completely satisfied with our 6 Week program, we will refund your money IN FULL!  

So, what are you waiting for?!

This is completely risk-free...

If you think there might be the slightest chance that this could restore your body function back to what you would like it to be, stop procrastinating and click the button below to get started on this journey together!

We are here to help you recover and restore your body!

We are with you!

Waist Doctors Metabolic Surfing FAQs

When I purchase The Waist Doctor Program, how will it be delivered to me?

The Waist Doctor Program is a digital product that will be sent to you in Video and PDF form. When you purchase the program, you will be able to access the program from the Order Confirmation page. You'll also be sent an email with an access link to your program. Once you click your access link, you will be able to view the content in your browser and you will have the option to download it to your computer.

  If for any reason I don't like the program, how do I get a refund?

Simply send an email to contact@thewaistdoctor or give us a call at 856-267-3030 and we'll get you taken care of!

Do I have to completely stop working out to do this program?

No, but you'll want to limit all high-intensity activity while you work on building strength and support in the core muscles. High intra-abdominal pressure will create the most damage to weakened tissues, and avoiding high-intensity activity will help to reduce that pressure that can impair the recovery process.

Can I do this while pregnant?

The exercises are designed for the post-delivery time frame. The exercises are safe and gentle, but should be used with caution during pregnancy. 

 Will this help even if it's been a long time since I had my child/children?

Absolutely yes! Building strength and support in the abdomen and the pelvic floor muscles are appropriate for any stage post-pregnancy.

 Can I do this if I had a baby one day ago (or earlier than the six-week post-pregnancy visit)?

If you are still in the early stages of recovery, wait! Make sure that you get to the six-week mark and you are cleared by your healthcare provider to return to activity.

 Can I at least do cardio?

Yes! Low to moderate intensity exercise is an excellent way to pursue health and fitness. High-intensity exercise should be avoided. Be mindful of the selection of activity to consider balance, posture, body mechanics, and intra-abdominal pressure.

 I didn’t have babies, but I do have incontinence issues, will this help me too?

Pelvic floor strengthening exercises are very successful at improving stress urinary incontinence! Women who do high-intensity sports with impact are at risk of experiencing stress incontinence and research indicates that pelvic floor strengthening exercises are important to include as a part of a training program. In our program, the daily schedule includes pelvic floor contraction to build strength (ideally reducing symptoms of incontinence) and improve endurance.

What exercises should I avoid during the program?

Sit-ups, crunches, planks, v-ups, leg drops or leg lowers, scissor kicks, abdominal bicycle, and abdominal exercises with medicine balls (e.g. Russian twists) are all exercises that should be avoided during this program.

We Are So Blessed To Say That This Program Has Changed The Lives Of Countless Men & Women! 


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